Terroir – El Salvador Single Origin Coffee


Chocolate| Red Fruits | Floral | Citrusy


Terroir single origin coffee

This single origin coffee is a gem that comes from Central America: EL SALVADOR

Cerro Las Ranas (the Hill of Frogs) coffee is named after the farm’s lagoon that is populated by thousands of frogs located in Apaneca within the department of Ahuachapan, El Salvador.

The coffee is produced by Jasal, a family owned operation where Jose Antonio Salaverria and his sons take great pride in their meticulous attention to detail, from year-round farm management to quality control in the cupping lab, and everything in between. In the pulped natural process (also called a honey process), Jose pulps perfectly ripened cherries and then dries the coffee beans, still covered in mucilage, on clay patios while constantly turning the beans to ensure even drying. This process provides a more consistent product than a full natural while still bringing some of the great attributes of a natural processed to the cup profile.

This coffee is a blend of Bourbon, Pacamara, Sarchimor, Pacas, Catuai & Caturra varietals. It was produced at 6,463 ft above the sea level. It was pulped natural (honey) processed.

In this amazing coffee, you will find first of all a sweet, delicate and smooth cup of coffee.

All the microclimate conditions in the origin, and the honey processing of the cherries, created a pleasant acidity on front backed up by a sweet, smooth and rich chocolaty flavor.

Through the roasting process, we aimed to highlight the flavor notes into the best possible point, with respect for the origin, and also looking for a extremely sweet and smooth filter coffee profile.

Chocolate, red fruits, floral, citrusy

El Salvador single origin coffee

Weight 0.7 lbs
Dimensions 8.6875 × 5.4375 × 1.75 in
How would you like your coffee?

Ground for Drip, Ground for Espresso, Ground for French Press, Whole coffee beans


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